Portable Ladder Safety

Portable design ladder as well as custom ladder rack safety products are intuitive and safe to use.

Safe Carrying Procedures

 From a Ladder Rack:
  • Lower ladder feet to ground.
  • Lift ladder over front hook.
  • Place ladder on shoulder.
  • Find the center balance.
  • Grasp with both hands, one hand forward.
  • Lift the feet and carry away.
 From a Standing Position:
  • Face the ladder and grab the rungs.
  • Lower the ladder hand over hand walking backward.
  • Once past center, turn the ladder 90 degrees onto its side.
  • Place ladder on shoulder.
  • Find the center balance.
  • Grasp with both hands, one hand forward.
  • Lift the feet and carry away.
 General Ladder Safety Guidelines:
  • Read  and follow all warning labels and instructions on your ladder
  • Inspect the ladder prior to using it. If it’s damaged, remove it from use and make sure that it’s marked as unsafe until fixed or scrapped.
  • Make sure ladder is free of any slippery material such as grease or oil on the rungs, steps, and feet.
  • Always maintain three points of contact with the ladder (two feet and a hand, or two hands and a foot) while climbing. Stay near the middle of the step you’re on, and never face away from the ladder while climbing.
  • Never use the top rung of a ladder as a weight-bearing point unless it was specifically designed for that purpose.
  • Always ensure that your ladder is on a level and stable surface, unless you have taken steps to secure the top or bottom.
  • Do not place your ladder on unstable bases to gain additional reach.
  • Never shift a ladder while a person or equipment is occupying it.
  • Ensure that all necessary locks on an extension ladder are properly employed.
  • Never exceed the maximum load rating of your ladder. Always be mindful of your ladder’s load rating in relation to the weight it’s supporting, including any tools or equipment.



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