Top Complaints About Wheelchair Vans

Over the course of the past year, more and more consumers have looked to shopping online for everything from household essentials and groceries to a new or used vehicle. And yes you probably guessed, this also includes new and used wheelchair van sales. And, as more and more companies have answered the call to moving their operations online, they are wanting to put their best foot forward with their first impression. For many companies, this means showcasing only their best customer reviews and experiences. But, when you have been in the business as long as we have been, you know that reviews that are hand-picked for a website don’t always paint the full picture. That is why we link our reviews page directly to all the major third-party review websites, so potential customers can get the full picture (but that’s another story for another post). So, what don’t wheelchair van companies want you to know about wheelchair vans? We put together a list of the top complaints we have heard fro...